New arrival at Camperdown Wildlife Centre in Dundee

Camperdown Wildlife Centre, which is managed by Leisure & Culture Dundee, is very pleased to announce that one of our Lar Gibbons has given birth to a beautiful baby. The youngster was born on the 25th of April 2023 and is doing well at the Wildlife Centre.
Bradly Yule, Camperdown Wildlife Centre’s Conservation Network Manager said
"We have a pair of lar gibbons that are an important part of a coordinated European breeding programme, and we are delighted with the birth of this endangered gibbon. We have waited around six months for the youngster's arrival, and our staff cannot be happier with the birth."
"Both parents and baby are doing well in their custom-built enclosure and can all be seen quite clearly at Camperdown. The youngster won't be fully independent until around two years of age and will depend on its parents for many years."
Originally from forests of South-East Asia, Lar Gibbons are threatened by rapid habitat loss, reducing the area where these forest apes can live, which puts their future in great danger.
Conservationists warn that unless the highest priority is given to protecting gibbon habitat, the species will become critically endangered, only a step away from extinction.